Sunday, March 21, 2010

Death the Vamp and His Brother by Lexxie Couper

Death exists for one reason and one reason only: to sever the life-threads of the living. She does her job with pride and an unweavering commentment. Nothing ruffles her. Until she encounter Patrick Watkins. The Australian lifeguard pushes all her buttons-and makes her tailbone itch like crazy. And when her tailbone itches, it means troubles brewing. Big trouble.

Ven's gut tells in that Death is taking aim at his kid brother. He should know-he died and was turned vampire while trying to prevent anotherfailed murder-attempt eightenn years ago. Patrick is meant to do something important in the world, and Ven will do anything to keep him safe. Even take on Death herself. In more ways then one.

As far as Patricks concerned, the whole thing is a load of bull. But what if everything Death tells him turns out to be true? How is he expected to save mankind from the worst fate of all-the Appocalyus? Expectually when all he can think about is how quickly he's falling in love with the most feared Horseman of them all...

Warning: This book contains enough heresy to shame the devil, more scorching sex then one person can handle, Oh, and lots Austrailian colloquiamlism. A bloody lot of Austrailian colloquiamlism.

Lexxie puts a whole new spin on the tale of the four horseman. As normal everyone just assumes that all four horsemen are males but not in Lexxies world two are men and two are women. I love that she doesn't go with the norm and impowers us women its great!

I won Lexxies book in The Internation Globalwarming Blog Tour. And I am so glad I did. I now know that paperbacks are not the only books that are worth the money.

For information on this book and others check out her website at .

Thanks for the great read! I look forward to meeting you at the RT Convention in May!

1 comment:

sarah said...

I love the warning on it. ;)