Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Carnal Ecstasy by Lissa Matthews

When good girls go bad, very, very bad…

The minute Carrie meets tattooed, bad-boy bartender Dallon, her decision is made. He’s the one, her ticket to freedom and a new, independent life. She’s tired of dictates and zero dates and following the path laid out before her by her well-meaning-but-completely-out-of touch-with-her-reality religious parents.

Dallon sees the buttoned-up, full-of-curves woman outside the grocery store and feels the flames of hell licking at his heels. When she asks him for directions to the large, nearby university where she’s starting work, his gut-twisting lust for her doesn’t diminish, but those flames start to singe his tough-as-nails hide.

With Dallon’s promise of not sleeping with anyone associated with the university his father is the dean of about to go up in smoke, Carrie takes the first exit off the Heavenly Highway straight onto Sin Street. She wants Dallon to teach her all the things a good girl should never know, and she won’t take Hell no for an answer.


Okay I gotta give Lissa props for excellent usage of a beer bottle. I don't think I will look at Corona the same again lol. That being said I liked the story. Loved the way she let the good girl be bad but not seem slutty at the same time. And Dallons tattoo on his back I would love to see it as an image. Its sounds really neat.

If your looking for a fast easy read this is the way to go. Not for the faint of heart though. And boy does the man know how to use everyday things to a very naught degree.

This is not my first read for Lissa and it defiantly won't be my last.

If you want more info on this book and all Lissa Matthews go to her website at

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